Anonymous Distilling Co.

Small Batch Rum Packaging

The objective of the project was to create a series of small batch beverages. The series includes: three bottles with their labels, and an outer container  to case these bottles.
This concept was created to encourage rum drinkers to be who they want to be if no one was watching. Wearing a wig as a disguise would be a perfect way to solve that problem. A secret identity would be ideal for someone to be someone they have always wanted to be. Whether that is themselves completely by not being able to be recognized, or having the hair they have always wanted. These packages encourage people to express themselves and also inspire them. The message of the brand is “At Anonymous we encourage you to be your self, even if that requires you to be someone else. An unrecognizable disguise is a fun way to enjoy your time without worrying who you’ll see. Get out your wig’s and don’t let them tame you.”

The mysterious wigs are what’s left of the runaway women. The wigs shown in the rum flavors of coconut, grapefruit and lime are the wigs of past anonymous drinkers. The stories of these women have been asked to kept confidential. The only trail that was left included these neon wigs. Once the escaper’s finally ended up in a place where no one could recognize them, they ditched the wigs. Investigators had been given information that these wigs belonged to the escaping women.

The style of photography and imagery was used to create a sense of mystery about the story of these wigs. Bright colors and bold type was used to add to the carefree and spontaneous stories of escaping something or someone. The neon wigs are emphasized to show how many can stand out while wearing them, while still staying incognito. This is a bold style of living and is favored by many frequent rum drinkers

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Lindsey Melville    |    Contact:
